
I never in my wildest dreams as a 6′ tall woman imagined that I would have a son with dwarfism. So how did this happen? Zeke was born with achondroplasia, which is one of over 400 different types of dwarfism, but it is the most common type. It happens due to a genetic mutation of the FGFR3 gene. This mutation can happen to ANYONE! Dwarfism occurs in one out of about every 40,000 births. It can be a spontaneous mutation, like happened with Zeke, or it can be passed down genetically by a parent who has dwarfism.

I might not have known I was headed for this journey, but oh my goodness have I been blessed by it. The little people community is a very tight knit one, and we have made friendships that will last a lifetime. We are active in the LPA, the Little People of America organization, and have made so many connections and friends. They do a great job of educating us and others on dwarfism, and I couldn’t be more thankful!