

As I have shared before, I like to start off each new year not with a resolution, but with a focus. Every year I pray on what that one focus word or phrase should be for me for the year. It has been very interesting, since I started this practice, with how much my focus…

1,749 Days, 41,976 Hours, & 2,518,560 Minutes

Today is one of those days that we have waited on for years, but also a day that has brought me much happiness and grief over the past few years. Today is the day Chris and I got married, and what would be our third wedding anniversary. However today this date takes on a new…

Asah, Asih, Asuh – Part 1

There are times in life where you make a decision and have no idea how important or impactful it will end up being. Several months ago I decided to book a trip to Bali over the summer; not just any trip, but a restorative retreat to have a chance to connect more deeply with myself…

Arkansas Adventure

I sat down to look at my calendar a couple weeks ago, and was shocked to see how quick this summer would go. I realized that if I wanted to take a weekend trip with a friend, the only weekend I had available was the NEXT weekend! After that I had things scheduled with my…

Spring Break – Ski Sipapu

I felt absolutely blessed to be able to take my kiddos on their very first ski trip over spring break. I did my research and found a family friendly ski resort that would be ideal for our family and our lack of skiing experience. I decided that driving through the night and letting the kids…

Beautiful Big Bend

The weekend before last I took a trip to Big Bend to go trail riding and camping, and it did not disappoint. I have had a love for the West Texas desert for over a decade, and this trip might have topped them all. I recently made the decision to sale our travel trailer and…

New Year, New Attitudes, New Me

The start of the year is always a time where I feel particularly called to declutter, reassess my goals, and start new or adjust my current routines. This new year feels like more of a new beginning of sorts than other new years that I can recall. In reflecting, surviving the past year since Chris’s…

One Year; Grief, Growth, & God’s Goodness

It is exceptionally difficult to explain what we have experienced over the past year. The past year is a paradox in that it feels like it was just yesterday that Chris went to his heavenly home, but also feels like we have lived a lifetime in this past year as we have adjusted to the…

Half Crazy Running

I started running years ago and have competed in several half marathons, 10K’s, a Tough Mudder, and who knows how many 5K races. I started running as a way to challenge myself and to make sure I was taking care of my heart and my body. Throughout the years though, I have found that running…

Thankful Thanksgiving

I anticipated that Thanksgiving would be difficult, and to be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to Thanksgiving week. Thanksgiving was the last holiday I was able to spend with Chris, and the last time we were able to have a “normal” family function before his death. I went into Thanksgiving week with a plan to…


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