Me & My Crew

Where do I even begin. My name is Erin and I am a Texas momma born and raised who is blessed MUCH more than I deserve. I am widow and recently remarried, and have four wonderful children. I am a chaos coordinator, medical mom, school counselor, and cosmetologist. I am a tattooed, shaved head, motorcycle momma with a free spirit and a love for saying yes to adventure!

My crew oldest to youngest:

Kenner – My oldest son is my “gentle giant”. He is SO smart and an avid reader. He LOVES pokemon, anime, the Chinese language and culture, and is a fighter for all things fair.

Kyleigh is my oldest daughter and is my “mother hen”. She is sassy first and foremost, but has a love for children and helping others. Her passion for cheerleading leads us on many adventures, but her plans for becoming a nurse is inspiring.

Grace is my youngest daughter and lovingly referred to as “the mob boss”. She definitely does things to get into trouble, but most would never know it, because she is a master manipulator and has someone else take the fall. She is a take charge kind of girl and I know I will never have to worry about her getting the job done.

Last but not least is Zeke who is my youngest son. He has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and is medically complex. He is a gift from God and teaches us, and everyone else, more than we could ever teach him. He is a spit fire and loves to entertain everyone he meets. Zeke rarely meets a stranger and leaves a lasting impact everywhere he goes.