Father’s Day Feelings

Father’s Day is one of those holidays that is bittersweet in so many ways for me. All the emotions swirl around in my head on Father’s Day from missing my dad and the bonus dad my kids had with Chris, to thankfulness to the men who have been father’s to me through marriages, and love for the many grandfathers and great grandfathers my children get to experience.

I know that my family is a jumbled mess of a family tree. I’ve been married three times so that makes for a large extended family and influences in mine and my children’s lives. My mom also had divorced parents, and Zeke’s dad has multiple parents as well. When I say the family tree is jumbled, it’s truly not an exaggeration. What I have learned from that though is the more family the better. They might not be my family by blood, or even by marriage anymore, but they are all still family through the connection of children and love.

I am blessed to have had the most amazing dad. Anyone who knew my dad knows what I mean. Todd Hughes raised me to be fiercely independent and I am forever grateful for that. I pray daily that my children and I can be as caring and selfless as my dad was.

My kids have been blessed by dads who love them unconditionally whether those dad’s are theirs through blood or love. Even though their dads and I are not married, we co-parent, and that honestly is what’s most important. I’m thankful for the time they have with their kiddos and the love they show them! We were blessed beyond belief to have Chris eagerly step in to that bonus dad role like no one I had ever seen.

I have also been blessed by some amazing father-in-laws. They have been, or were there for me, and continued to be for my kids despite the difficulties of divorce and life. I have been equally blessed by having amazing grandfathers who taught me things, and my parents things that have been passed down to me, and now to my kids. Even though Charles has gone soft with age and no longer refers to my kids as “catfish bait, tricycle motors, or curtain crawlers” as he lovingly did with Kendra and I.

No matter if your Father’s Day is traditional, or untraditional like mine, make sure you take time today to tell those men in your life thank you for all they do, big and small! ❤️

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