Wedded Bliss: Big Beautiful Blended Family

Yesterday was a big day for us; my kiddos officially gained a bonus mom, I gained a wife-in-law, and Tiffany officially became family. What’s a wife-in-law? According to us, a wife in law is your ex-husbands new wife. Tiffany and I lovingly call each other wife-in-law or wifey, and honestly enjoy the confused reaction we get from people. We fully understand that we aren’t the norm, but it begs the question why isn’t this the norm?

My ex-husband Patrick and I, along with my new wife-in-law Tiffany coparent together so well. I’m not saying there aren’t ever disagreements, but we discuss them, apologize, and move on. We are one family and I am SO thankful for that. I know that Patrick and Tiffany have my back, and they know I have theirs, with the kids, with society, or with anyone that tries to disrupt our family dynamic. We enjoy time together, dinners, birthdays, kids events and everything in between. It is seriously the best possible situation for our kids to see us work together, be a united front in parenting, love them, and love each other. I wish we were the norm. How much better off would children of blended families be if this was the norm?

Now off my soap box and on to Tiffany and Patrick’s special day. I jokingly told them that I deserve a toast at their wedding for introducing them. Tiffany and I met at new teacher inservice for the school we worked at, and instantly hit it off. She quickly became a good friend because we have so much in common and were seeing each other everyday at work. At the kids meet the teacher at the beginning of the school year Patrick and I met up to go together with the kids to meet their teachers, and Tiffany happened to see us walking down the hall. She asked me later if Patrick was my ex-husband, I said yes, and she commented that he looked so familiar. As the conversation continued we realized she had seen him before catering at an event at which she was bartending. I told her I’d have to tell Patrick she recognized him, which I did.

Fast forward a month or so and Tiffany came to me and said we needed to talk. She told me that Patrick had slid his way into her DM’s on Facebook and they had been talking. She told me that we were friends first and that she didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship if I wasn’t ok with her pursing it. I without hesitation said PLEASE go for it! I told her best case scenario they end up working out which would be great since I was her friend first and like her, or they break up and then we have more in common. To me it was a win win situation! As I have watched their relationship and love grow I am amazed. Their personalities bring out the best in the other, and it is so clear to see that they were so beautifully made for each other in a way that only God can do. On a side note it is SO satisfying to see Tiffany get Patrick to do things I never could. That is one GLORIOUS benefit of being the wife in law, and I thank her for it all the time!

I am beyond thankful that they found each other, that my kids have her as a bonus mom, and that I have a friend for a wife-in-law. May God bless their marriage and continue to bless our sweet, blended, crazy family. I will continued to pray that more blended families can experience what we do, what God commanded us to do; LOVE!

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4 thoughts on “Wedded Bliss: Big Beautiful Blended Family

  1. I am SO happy to see another Mom blog on blended families. I really felt alone out here. I am certain our stories different beginnings and many differences, but it sounds like our family values and view on our ex’s and new spouses all being considered family are very much the same. I hope you will follow along on the blog I started over two years ago, and just recently decided to dive back into.

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